III. Write the sentences below in possible correct arrangement!1. submitted

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fianamalinahasni pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

III. Write the sentences below in possible correct arrangement!1. submitted - my-has - teacher -been-to-task - the
Answer:..My...teacher has been submitted to the allo
closed - stationary - has - the - been - store
Answer: The Stahonary.store has been closed
3. requests - granted - been - all - have - the
Answer: all the recruest have been granted
4. dishes - brother - the-been-have-by - done - my
Answer: The dishes have been done by my mother
5. yesterday - clothes - your - packed - by - were - Elena
Answer: Your Clothes were packed by Elena yesterelvy
6. were - by - dirts - blocked - the - pipes - some
7. repaired - bike - being - my - was
8. party - cancelled - been - has - the - earthquake - to - due - an
9. Josephine - swept - floor - the - was - by
Answer: .........
10. all - the - typed - been - documents - had - night - last

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


6. the pipes were blocked by some dirts

7. my bike was being repaired

8. the party has been cancelled due to an earthquake

9. the floor was swept by josephin

10. all the documents had been typed last night

jadikan jawaban terbaik yaaa, thankss

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Last Update: Fri, 04 Jun 21