practice the dialogue with your friend. underline the expression of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Xylnzxy pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Practice the dialogue with your friend. underline the expression of showing appreciation found in the dialogue!( dialogue )
cindy : you look confused. what are you looking for?
tia : i can't find my purse. i forget where i put it
cindy : i can help you find it
tia : thank you for your willigness. you didn't have to do it
cindy : that's what friends are for [ 10 minutes into the search ]
cindy : here it is !
tia : oh my, cindy ! i cannot thank you enough
cindy : don't mention it
tia : no, really. i owe you big time

( soal )
state T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialogue above !

1 . tia looked confused
( true / false )
2 . cindy wouldn't help tia finding his phone
( true / false )
3 . cindy appreciated tia's deed
( true / false )
4 . cindy and tia are classmates
( true / false )
5 . cindy's phone was found
( true / false )​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. tia looked confused

( true ) = "she can't find her pursue and forget where she put it"

proof =  cindy: you look confused. what are you looking for?


2. cindy wouldn't help tia finding his phone

( false ) = "she can help tia find her purse"

proof = cindy: i can help you find it


3. cindy appreciated tia's deed

( false ) = "tia appreciate cindy's deed for finding her pursue"

proof = tia: thank you for your willigness. you didn't have to do it

             tia: oh my, cindy ! i cannot thank you enough


4. cindy and tia are classmates

( true ) = "they are friend with each other"

proof = cindy: that's what friends are for [ 10 minutes into the search ]


5. cindy's phone was found

( false )​ = "cindy found the tia's pursue"

proof = cindy: here it is !

             tia: oh my, cindy ! i cannot thank you enough

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Oct 22