2. The Expression of Checking for Understanding When we are

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2. The Expression of Checking for Understanding When we are having a conversation with someone or explaining something, sometimes we should make sure that they understand what we are saying. At that time, we are checking for other's understanding. If you want to check for, to show, and to express lack of understanding, you may say the following expressions. a. Checking for understanding Here are the expressions of checking for understanding. Are you with me? C. 1) 2) Do you following me? 3) 4) Any question? 5) Have you got it? Do you understand/knows what I'm saying? b. Showing understanding Here are the expressions of showing understanding. 1) I understand. 2) I get it. 3) I know. 4) I see. 5) I know what you said. 6) I know what you're talking. Lack of understanding Here are the expressions of lack of understanding. 1) I don't get it. 2) I'm sorry, I don't understand. 3) I don't follow you. 4) What do you mean?. contoh??​

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Oct 22