My name (be)1__ ¡S Nusantara University. I (take)3 brother (work)5

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ginaronew20 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

My name (be)1__ ¡S Nusantara University. I (take)3 brother (work)5 onfident women. Siara Felicia and you can call me Cicilia for convenience. I (be)2_ accounting as my major. My parents (be)4_ as an architect and I (not have)6 married and he (have)8 any sister. My brother (be)7 got a daughter. His daughter (be)9 in Bandung now. a sophomore in accountants. My elder My brother and his family (live) 10_ Now let me tell you about my personality. I (be)_ girl. I (like)12 to make friends with all kinds of persons from different cultures. They (come)13_ countries. We (like)14_ to share our cultures. It (be)15 AYA three years old now. 11 an optimistic and candid, compassionate and well-mannered from different great to exchange our knowledge about our cultures.​
My name (be)1__ ¡S Nusantara University. I (take)3 brother (work)5 onfident women. Siara Felicia and you can call me Cicilia for convenience. I (be)2_ accounting as my major. My parents (be)4_ as an architect and I (not have)6 married and he (have)8 any sister. My brother (be)7 got a daughter. His daughter (be)9 in Bandung now. a sophomore in accountants. My elder My brother and his family (live) 10_ Now let me tell you about my personality. I (be)_ girl. I (like)12 to make friends with all kinds of persons from different cultures. They (come)13_ countries. We (like)14_ to share our cultures. It (be)15 AYA three years old now. 11 an optimistic and candid, compassionate and well-mannered from different great to exchange our knowledge about our cultures.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Is

2. Am

3. Take

4. Are

5. Works

6. Don't have

7. Is

8. Has

9. Is

10. Live

11. Am

12. Like

13. Come

14. Like

15. Is


Simple Present Tense

I/you/we/they + V1 + O

He/she/it + V1-s/-es + O

To be (Auxiliary Verb): Am/are/is


I am eighteen years old.

You/we/they are eighteen years old.

He/she/it is eighteen years old.

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Nov 22