Writing Task 1 * Complete the sentences with changing the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari retio4464 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Writing Task 1 * Complete the sentences with changing the words in bracket! 1. Your heart is (cold) .... ..... than ice. 2. She is the (happy)..... person I've ever known. 3. I ran (fast) ............... than you did. 4. This task is (easy) ..... than the previous one. 5. You look tired) ..... than before. 6. This chair is (comfortable) ........... than that one. 7. Is the new car (expensive)... than the old one? 8. Kalimantan is the large) island in Indonesia. 9. Momo is the (clever) ......... among her classmates. 10.It is the (boring) ......... thing I have ever done.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. colder
  2. happiest
  3. faster
  4. easier
  5. more tired
  6. more comfortable
  7. more expensive
  8. largest
  9. cleverest
  10. most boring



  • ditandai ada kata than
  • gunakan ...-er atau more ...


  • ditandai ada kata the ... of/in
  • gunakan ...-estataumost...


semangat belajar...

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Last Update: Mon, 09 May 22