2. Arrange the jumbled sentences into good dialogue!A●We are going

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari syurfinamunimatul pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

2. Arrange the jumbled sentences into good dialogue!A

●We are going camping near Mt. Merapi this weekend. What will you do?"

●"Would you like to come along with US?"

●"Don't worry. We will let you use ours."

●"No, not at all. We would love your company."

●"It's not supposed to bring a rain jacket just in case."

●"We will pick you up at 5 am Saturday


●"I will stay at home."

●"I don't have any camping equipment."

●"Are you sure it won't be an inconvenience for you?"

●Do you think it is going to rain?"


●"I will be ready by then."​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A : We are going camping near Mt. Merapi this weekend. What will you do?"

B : "I will stay at home."

A : "Would you like to come along with US?"

B : "Are you sure it won't be an inconvenience for you?"

A : "No, not at all. We would love your company."

B : "I don't have any camping equipment."

A : "Don't worry. We will let you use ours."

B : "Do you think it is going to rain?"

A : "It's not supposed to bring a rain jacket just in case."

B : "Okay"

A : "We will pick you up at 5 am Saturday


B : "I will be ready by then."

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Last Update: Fri, 03 Dec 21