This dialog is for questions number 4 to 5.Mr. Ali

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari amamiabrother4 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

This dialog is for questions number 4 to 5.Mr. Ali : You must control your attitudes, Students!
Adi : We're sorry, Sir! We don't intend to do that with the window.
Mr. Ali : All right. Now, clean it up to avoid the danger of the broken glass.
Adi : Yes, Sir. We'll do it right away.
From the dialog, which statement is correct?
A. Adi and his friends will go right away.
B. Adi and his friends don't ask for apology.
C. Mr. Ali gets angry with the students' attitudes.
D. Mr. Ali needs some assistants to clean the broken window.
5. We'll do it right away.(last sentence).
The word it refers to ....
A. the broken glass
B. the danger of the broken glass.
C. avoiding the danger of the broken glass
D. cleaning up the broken glass of the window
Questions 6 to 8 refer to the following text.
Sarah : I heard you won the first prize on the English Olympiad.
Salma : Thanks Sarah.
: As
As your friend ... (7).
Salma : Thank you.
Sarah You deserve it because you've studied really hard.
Salma: .... (8)
The best expression to fill the blank space is ....
A. Really!
C. That's a pity.
B. Thank you.
D. Congratulations!
The best expression to fill the blank space is ....
A. I am so sad.
C. I'm very proud of
B. I will help you.
D. I can do nothing
The best expression to fill the blank space is ....
A. Sure.
C. No problem
B. Never mind.
D. You are welcc
Questions 9 to 10 refer to the following text.
Dear Edo
Representing our school, I'd like to congratulate you on your su
Chimnis held by the Ministry of Nationa​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. C)Mr. Ali gets angry with the students' attitudes.

2. D)cleaning up the broken glass of the window

3-5(sorry, bisa fotoin aja soalnya? kurang jelas)

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Last Update: Tue, 20 Jul 21