1. Why did the writer feed that the trip to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vibel0942 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Why did the writer feed that the trip to the Lawa Cave was so fun? Because...a. it was only a shirt trip
b. he had his relatives with him
c. he would get interesting experience
d. he had never visited the cafe before

2. What did the writer see when he entered the cave?
a. A turtle
b. A lion
c. Unique stunes
d. Thousand bats

3. ".....because they HIBERNATED the whole day." (paragraph 3)
what does the underlined word mean?
a. spend the day to sleep
b. spend the time to rest
c. spen the night to sleep
d. spend the time to eat

4. "it was so cold". we can conclude that.....
a. The water
b. The weather
c. The body
d. The bat

5. From the text,we can conclude that....
a. the writer had his lunch in the cave
b. the writer went to Lawa Cave by train
c. the writer spent about nineteen minutes in the cave
d. the writer spent more than one day in his grandparents house

tolong bantu jawab jangan asal yaaa​
1. Why did the writer feed that the trip to the Lawa Cave was so fun? Because...a. it was only a shirt tripb. he had his relatives with himc. he would get interesting experienced. he had never visited the cafe before2. What did the writer see when he entered the cave?a. A turtleb. A lionc. Unique stunesd. Thousand bats3.

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g mau ah kamu Kpopler


gak,cuman becanda kok

ni jawab nya






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Last Update: Tue, 24 Aug 21