Mohammad Hatta was a prominent politician in Indonesia who served

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Mohammad Hatta was a prominent politician in Indonesia who served as its first vice president. His father, Haji Mohammad Djamil, died when he was eight months old. Following the matrilineal society of Minangkabau, his mother raised him and his sister in her family. He pursued the doctorate degree in Netherland and completed all requirements to be awarded it. He also joined Indische Vereeniging which later changed its name into Indonesische Vereeniging. The organization carried the voice of the Indonesian people for their country independence. Identify 6 predicates in the paragraph !

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Identify 6 predicates in the paragraph !

Mohammad Hatta was a prominent politician in Indonesia who served as its first vice president.

His father, Haji Mohammad Djamil, died when he was eight months old.

his mother raised him and his sister in her family.

He pursued the doctorate degree in Netherland and completed all requirements to be awarded it.

He also joined Indische Vereeniging which later changed its name into Indonesische Vereeniging.

The organization carried the voice of the Indonesian people for their country independence.


Semua Predikat pada kalimat di atas dicetak tebal.

Predikat (Predicate) dalam bahasa Inggris adalah bagian dari kalimat atau klausa yang berisi kata kerja dan menyatakan sesuatu tentang subjek.

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Last Update: Fri, 20 Aug 21