A. Orchid-B. RosesC. JasmineD. Sunflower23. Shopkeeper is a petson who

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fennynyhidayat pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A. Orchid-B. Roses
C. Jasmine
D. Sunflower
23. Shopkeeper is a petson who works in the ...
A. School
C. Bank
B. Post office D. Shop
24. I can read some books in the ...
A. Canteen
C. School yard
B. Laboratory D. Library
25. My grandmother wants to save her money. She goes to ...
A. Hospital
C. Cafe
B. Bank
D. Park
Translate to Indonesia number 1 - 5
1. A bar of chocolate ...
2. We must save the water
3. May I borrow your drawing book? ...
4. A plastic bottle lamp ...
5. Look at the sign, please ...
This is a ...
and ...
7. There are many
in the Canteen.
8. The planet get light from the ...
9. The capital city of Indonesia is ...
10. Every mother always ... to her children.
1. Write down three hobbies!
2. Write down five adjectives!
3. Write down three things in the living room!
4. Write down five non-organic trashes!
5. Write down "How make Apple Juice”!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


23 d

24 d

25 b

1 Satu batang coklat

2 Kita harus menghemat air

3 apakah aku boleh untuk menggambar di bukumu

4 Lampu botol plastik

5 Lihat papan itu aku mohon

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Last Update: Wed, 07 Jul 21