Text for no. 14-18, choose the correctanswer to complete the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari habibirosyiq pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Text for no. 14-18, choose the correctanswer to complete the text!
Elephants are the (14) ... land animal
in the world. They are (15) ... from Asia
and Africa. Elephants are herbivores. They
(16) ... grass, leaves, branches and fruit.
An elephant has a big body with four legs.
It has large but thin ears and small eyes.
It also has a one and long called trunk. It
uses the trunk to lift the food ... (17) skin is
grey and hairless. It has a short tail. Their
habitat is usually in the forest or a zoo. The
elephants are strong animals they can (18)
heavy loads.
14. a. shortest
b. tallest
d. largest
15. a. originally C. formerly
b. temporally d. specially
16. a. eats
b. eat
d. wake
17. a.
b. his
C. its
d. her
a. support
b. carry
d. make

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


14. d. largest

15. a. originally

16. b. eat

17. c. it's

18. b. carry

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Last Update: Fri, 27 Aug 21