Long time ago in Girah Village there lived an old

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Long time ago in Girah Village there lived an old woman. Her name was Calonarang. She had magical power. Calonarang had a daughter. Her name was Ratna Mangali. She was very beautiful. Yet, nobody wanted to marry her because they were afraid of her mother.People began to talk about Ratna Mangali. Calonarang didn't like people talking about her daughter. She loved Ratna Mangali very much. When she heard people talked about her daughter, she got angry. She cursed the village. People got ill and die.

The king sent his best soldier to arrest Calonarang. But, they failed. Then, the king called Mpu Baradah. The King asked for his help.

Mpu Baradah sent his student Mpu Bahula to Girah Village. Mpu Baradah told Mpu Bahula to propose Ratna Mangali. Calonarang was very happy when Mpu Bahula proposed Ratna Mangali. She knew that people would not talk about her daughter anymore. She gave her daughter a big wedding party.

One day, Mpu Bahula asked Ratna Mangali to steal her mother's magic book. When Calonarang was asleep, Ratna Mangali stole her mother's magic book and gave it to her husband. Then Mpu Bahula gave the book to Mpu Baradah.

After he knew Calonarang's magic secret, Mpu Baradah came to Girah Village. Calonarang and Mpu Baradah had a fight. Calonarang lost the fight because she didn't have her magical book anymore.

choose the correct answer based on the text above!

1 why was calonarang become a very powerful woman? because
a she had a secret book
b. she had a magical book
c. had not afraid to everyone
d her daughter is very beautiful
why did nobody want to marry ratna mangali yet? because
a. she was very beautiful
b. she had magical power
c. they were afraid of her mother
d she was calonarang's daughter
3. what happened when calonarang heard people talking about her daughter?
a. she was very happy
b. she was very disappointed
c. she wanted to kill the young villager
d. she got very angry and cursed the village
4. who proposed ratna mangali to be his wife?
a. empu bahula
b. empu baradah
c. the best soldier
d. empu bahula and empu baradah
5. why did calonarang lose the fight versus empu baradah?
a. she had a magical power
b. she stole the magic book
c. she didn't have her magical book anymore
d. empu baradah stole calonarang's magic book

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. a.She had a magical book

2. c.they were afraid of her mother

3. d.she got very angry and cursed the villager

4. a.empu Bahula

5. d.empu Baradah stole colonarang's magic book

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Last Update: Tue, 25 Jan 22