1. Ika's Math score is the.... of all.The correct word

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dhany3057 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Ika's Math score is the.... of all.The correct word to fill the blank is ....
A. smallest
B. worst
C. best
D. most
2. Shanti's Science score is the..., of all.
The following can fill the blank, except ....
A. smallest
B. worst
C. lowest
D. biggest
3. The correct sentence based on the table is ....
A. Shanti's Math score is as high as Bagus's English score.
B. Bagus's Science score is higher that Shanti's English score.
C. Shanti's Science score is higher than Bagus's Math score.
D. Bagus's English score is as high as Shanti's Science score.
4. The following sentences are correct based on the table, except ....
A. Ika gets the highest score in Math.
B. Shanti gets the lowest score in Science,
C. Nonik gets the best score in Science,
D. Bagus gets the worst score in Math,
5. According to the data in the table, we can conclude that ......
A. Nonik is the most beautiful student.
B. Ika is the most dilligent student,
C. Bagus is the laziest student.
D. Shanti is the smartest student,

1. Ika's Math score is the.... of all.The correct word to fill the blank is ....A. smallestB. worstC. bestD. most2. Shanti's Science score is the..., of all.The following can fill the blank, except ....A. smallestB. worstC. lowestD. biggest3. The correct sentence based on the table is ....A. Shanti's Math score is as high as Bagus's English score.B. Bagus's Science score is higher that Shanti's English score.C. Shanti's Science score is higher than Bagus's Math score.D. Bagus's English score is as high as Shanti's Science score.4. The following sentences are correct based on the table, except ....A. Ika gets the highest score in Math.B. Shanti gets the lowest score in Science,C. Nonik gets the best score in Science,D. Bagus gets the worst score in Math,5. According to the data in the table, we can conclude that ......A. Nonik is the most beautiful student.B. Ika is the most dilligent student,C. Bagus is the laziest student.D. Shanti is the smartest student,TOLONG YA KAK AKU GAK PAHAM⊙﹏⊙​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. C. Best
  2. D. Biggest
  3. A. Shanti's Math score is as high as Bagus's English score
  4. D. Bagus gets the worst score in Math
  5. B. Ika is the most diligent student


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Last Update: Fri, 23 Jul 21