EVALUASI: Task 1: Change the sentences into negative (-) and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nopalzselow pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

EVALUASI: Task 1: Change the sentences into negative (-) and interrogative (?) forms ! 1. The man knows my father 2. The buses generally stop here 3. We play football in the field everyday 4. The servant sometimes cleans the floor 5. The postman delivers the letters three times a day 6. She watches television every night 7. Mr. Harun works hard everyday 8. I come late to school 9. Mother likes cooking in the kitchen 10. They play tennis every afternoon​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

ྀ༘ Present Tense ྀ༘


1. The man knows my father

  • (–) The man doesn't know my father
  • (?) Does the man know my father?

2. The buses generally stop here

  • (–) The buses generally don't stop here
  • (?) Do the buses generally stop here?

3. We play football in the field everyday

  • (–) We don't play football in the field everyday
  • (?) Do we play football in the field everyday?

4. The servant sometimes cleans the floor

  • (–) The servant sometimes doesn't clean the floor
  • (?) Does the servant sometimes clean the floor?

5. The postman delivers the letters three times a day

  • (–) The postman doesn't deliver the letters three times a day
  • (?) Does the postman deliver the letters three times a day?

6. She watches television every night

  • (–) She doesn't watch television every night
  • (?) Does she watch television every night?

7. Mr. Harun works hard everyday

  • (–) Mr. Harun doesn't work hard everyday
  • (?) Does Mr. Harun work hard everyday?

8. I come late to school

  • (–) I don't come late to school
  • (?) Do I come late to school?

9. Mother likes cooking in the kitchen

  • (–) Mother doesn't like cooking in the kitchen
  • (?) Does mother like cooking in the kitchen?

10. They play tennis every afternoon

  • (–) They don't play tennis every afternoon
  • (?) Do they play tennis every afternoon?




  • Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktifitas/peristiwa yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang, kegaitan yang sudah menjadi suatu kebiasaan, atau menyatakan suatu fakta.


  • (+) S + V1 (s/es) + O/C
  • (–) S + do/does + not + V-1 + O/C
  • (?) Do/Does + S + V-1 + O/C + ?


  • Jika subjeknya ┃He, She, It, dan Nama orang tunggal (kecuali subjek ‘saya (I)’)┃ maka, kata kerja harus ditambah ‘s/es’
  • Does digunakan untuk subject ➻ He, She, It, dan Nama orang tunggal (kecuali subjek ‘saya (I)’)
  • Do digunakan untuk subject ➻ I, You, We, They, dan Nama orang/benda banyak

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Last Update: Mon, 04 Apr 22