The expression of quantity1. there ........some pens and notebooks on

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari violldiary pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The expression of quantity1. there ........some pens and notebooks on my desk 
2. there .............. any letters in the mail for you today
3. how many kinds of birds .......... there in the world?
4. there ...........over 600 000 kinds of insects in the world
5. there .......... any mail for me
6. there ........... a blue pen and a yellow pen on Toni's chair
7. there .......... a lot of problems in the world
8. there .......... a green pen on your desk
9. there ......... a fly in this room. where is the flywatter?
10. why ............ there a hospital close to those villages​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. there are some pens and notebooks on my desk 

2. there are any letters in the mail for you today

3. how many kinds of birds are there in the world?

4. there are over 600 000 kinds of insects in the world

5. there is any mail for me

6. there is a blue pen and a yellow pen on Toni's chair

7. there are a lot of problems in the world

8. there is a green pen on your desk

9. there is a fly in this room. where is the flywatter?

10. why is there a hospital close to those villages

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Last Update: Thu, 13 Jan 22