TEST I: PRONOUNS 1.There are many wild animals in my

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari unknown pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

TEST I: PRONOUNS 1.There are many wild animals in my city. We have snakes, dogs, deer, cats and many more. Snakes are the the most dangerous of them all. They are poisonous and they will bite anything that approaches them. What does "they" refer to? *1 point
a. deer
b. cats
d. snakes
2. When I was at the party, I didn't drink much but I had a few sodas with ice. They were delicious. They didn't have many snacks available, but I found some chips and candy.What does "they" refer to? *
1 point
a. candy
b. sodas
c. cake
d. milk
3. Helena gave_______a schedule of the club's meetings. *
1 point
a. he
b. they
c. she
d. him
4. _____ are going to the mall next week. *
1 point
a. they
b. he
c. she
d. him
5. ______is the best basketball player in the team. *
1 point
a. they
b. I
c. He
d. her
TEST II. CAPITALIZATION 1. aaron said, "i'm studying french, so i will be able to talk to my relatives from france."Which words need to be capitalized? *
1 point
a. Aaron, I'm, French, I, France
b. Aaron, I, France
c. Aaron, I
2. Which sentence uses capital letters correctly? *
1 point
a. This afternoon, you and I will play basketball with Kathleen in pixley.
b. This afternoon, you and I will play basketball with Kathleen in Pixley.
c. This afternoon, you and i will play basketball with Kathleen in pixley.
d. This afternoon, you and I will play basketball with kathleen in pixley.
3. How should you correct the capitalization in the following sentence? The climate in the south is favorable for growing agricultural products such as Georgia peaches and Florida oranges. *
1 point
a. use a capital S in south
b. use a capital letter P in peaches
c. use a capital C in climate
d. use a capital T in the word "the" before south
4. Which sentence capitalizes correctly? *
1 point
a. When a tornado hits a Community, the Red Cross sends help.
b. When a tornado hits a community, the Red Cross sends help.
c.When a tornado hits a Community, the red Cross sends help.
d. When a tornado hits a Community, the Red cross sends help.
5. Which one of the following items has no mistakes in capitalization? *
1 point
a. Show me your new game. is it your favorite?
b. do you know where Sarah is? She promised to help me.
c. Ramon needs a new backpack. Tell him where you got yours.
d. Why did Samantha leave early? did she have a doctor's appointment?
TEST III. PUNCTUATION 1. Which of the following sentences is correct? *
1 point
a. "Does the music start at 4:00 or 4:30?" inquired Ms. Clark.
b.Does the music start at 4:00 or 4:30" inquired Ms. Clark?
c. "Does the music start at 4:00 or 4:30"? inquired Ms. Clark.
2. Which sentence uses commas correctly? *
1 point
a. John Keats the great, English Romantic, poet said that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever."
b. John Keats, the great English Romantic, poet said that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever."
c. John Keats, the great English Romantic poet, said that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever."
3. Which of the following sentences is correct? *
1 point
a. Kelsey said I want to go to Aunt Joy's for Thanksgiving.
b. Kelsey said, "I want to go to Aunt Joy's for Thanksgiving."
c. Kelsey said "I want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving."
4. Which sentence correctly uses commas? *
1 point
a. I like to run, but ,not when it's hot.
b. "Gas is too expensive," said the experienced driver.
c. "Ouch", screamed the boy after he was stung by a bee.
5. Which sentence correctly uses question mark?
1 point
a. My three favorite foods are, pasta pizza and ice cream.
b. Would you like some tea?
c. I have to run to the store, get my hair cut, and pick up the kids from daycare.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. d. Snakes

2. b. Sodas

3. d. Him

4. a They

5. d. he


1. a. Aaron, I'm, French, I, France

2. b. This afternoon, you and I will play basketball with Kathleen in Pixley

3. a. use a capital S in south

4. b. When a tornado hits a Community,the Red Cross sends help.

5. b. do you know where Sarah is? She promised to help me.


1. a. "Does the music start at 4:00 or 4:30?" inquired Ms. Clark

2. c. John Keats, the great English Romantic poet, said that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever."

3. b. Kelsey said, "I want to go to Aunt Joy's for Thanksgiving."

4. c. "Ouch", screamed the boy after he was stung by a bee.

5. b. Would you like some tea?

hope this helps !

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Mar 22