Answer the question bellow in careful: 1. Luna : Do

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari linzzy279 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Answer the question bellow in careful: 1. Luna : Do you ...cheating during the test? Maya: No, I Hate it because we.....! What the answer luna based the test above ? For number 2-5 My name is hilman, lam twelve years old, iam a students of SMP NUSANTARA iam in the seventh now, I usually go to school by public bus because my school in the is in the center of my city. It is located on jalan sisimagaraja and near museum. I have two brothers, Amir and Joko and the sister . my Siste's name is Mila. She is the oldest. She works in a hospital. Her work is a nurse. Amir is still two years and joko goes to school in SMK. He wants to be an engineer and somebody he can make saved national car. He is the smartest in our family. 2, what the ages of Hilman based the text abovel 3. How many brothers of hilman based the text above! 4. Where is Hilman School based the text abovel 5. What the tittle of the text above! ! 6. Write ten vocabularies as yours know! 7. Write five sentences as yours know! 8. - My father likes play football every morning. - My son likes drinking milk every day. -iam likes speak English very well hove into Indonesian meaning! pino​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Like To

  Are Unfair

2. Twelve

3. 2

2x2. Jalan Sisimagaraja Near A Museum

5. -

6. X-Axis, Vague, Uniqe. Uncanny, Tangible, Serene, Rambunctious

7. I Understand English Than My Own Language., I Like Grapes., I Spend About 2 Hours Online., I Am A Human., Time Is Valuable., My Sister Has Less Books Than Me., Youtube Is Better Than Facebook.

8. Ayahku Suka Bermain Sepak Bola Setiap Pagi., Anakku Suka Minum Susu Setiap Hari.



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Last Update: Tue, 01 Mar 22