A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yaya5979 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or diThis dialog is for questions 1 to 5
I haerd from Mrs. Nadia that you get a scholarship to study abroad. Is that
Ani : Yes, that right
Tia : 1 must congratulate you.
An Thank you. But, I will not take the scholarship.
Mia V/hy?
Ani I preier studying in Indonesia to studying abroad
Mia I hope that you think about it.
Ani I have talked to my parents as v'ell and they support me.
I hope that you won't feel disappointed one day.
I hope so
1. Who gets the scholarship?
a. Mia does
b. Ani does
C. Mrs. Nadia does
d. Ani's parents do
2. Does ni take the scholarship?
a. No, she does not
b. Yes she does
d. res, she will
C. No, she will not
3. What does Mia hope for Ani?
a. She hopes that Ani will be disappointed.
b. She hopes that she will get the scholarship.
c. She hopes that Ani won't be disappointed.
d. She hopes that Ani will talk to her parents again,
4. What does the italic sentence imply?
a. Ani states her hope for Mia.
b. Mrs. Nadia congratuiates on Mia's achievement.
c. Mia disagrees with Ani.
d. Mia congratulates Ani for getting a scholarship
5. What does Ani say to respona to Mia's congratulation?
a. She says. "thank you".
b. She asks, "why"
c. She says. "I hope so".
d. She says, "that's right"​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Ani does (B)
  2. No she does not (A)
  3. She hopes that Ani won't be disappointed (C)
  4. I'm sorry that I can't answer this number, because I don't see the italic sentence
  5. She says. "thank you".


Good luck!

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Last Update: Wed, 05 Jan 22