a) text b) instant messaging c) bank fraud d) instant

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Nonastella pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A) textb) instant messaging

c) bank fraud

d) instant messaging

e) scan

f) online banking

g) attachment

o) bill pay

h) accuracy

i) integrity

j) attachment

k) spam

l) scanner

m) electronic funds transfer

n) smartphone

1. ......... is illegal actions to access money that is not yours.

2. A service that allows you to manage finances on a computer is ...........

3. A device that can call, text, and access the Internet is ..........

4. .......... is a real time text conversation.

5. .......... is a service that send money to people and businesses you owe money to.

6. A way to send money to another account is ..........

7. A device for reading a barcode is ............

8. A file sent with an email is ............

9. ........... is the ability to measure correctly.

10. ............ is the ability to perform without breaking or error.

11. .............is a file sent with an email.

12. ......... is to read a barcode.

13. ..... is unwanted email.

14. ................. is to send a message from a cellphone.

15. ...................... is a real time text conversation

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. spam

2. instant messaging

3. smartphone

4. text

5. bank fraud

6. accuracy

7. scan

8. electronic funds transfer

9. bank fraud

10. scanner

11. bill pay

12. online banking

13. attachment

14. instant messaging

15. -



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Last Update: Sun, 24 Apr 22