Change these senteces into passive 1. I am reading 3 novels

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ktxjk pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change these senteces into passive1. I am reading 3 novels in this month
2. Bono can create something good for you
3. She is making something special
4. They can cook delicious food for me
5. Mr. President has commended me to manage this problem
6. Mirna loves cooking
7. Mona will celebrate her birthday in bali
8. Those students have done money assignment

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Simple present is used to talk about routines. For example what we do

every day – drink coffee, eat breakfast, take a shower, drive to work


It looks like this:

Affirmative form:

I cook dinner.

You cook dinner.

He cooks dinner.

She cooks dinner.

It cooks dinner.

We cook dinner.

They cook dinner.

Negative form:

I don’t cook.

You don’t cook.

He doesn’t cook,

She doesn’t cook.

It doesn’t cook.

We don’t cook.

They don’t cook

Do I cook dinner? Yes you do/No you don’t

Does he cook dinner? Yes he does/No he doesn’t

Does she cook dinner? Yes she does/No s

he doesn’t

Does it cook dinner? Yes it does/No it doesn’t

Do you cook dinner? Yes you do/No you don’t

Do we cook dinner? Yes we do/No we don’t

Do they cook dinner? Yes they do/No they don’t

Present progressive is used to talk about right now. What you are doing

right now. For example – drinking coffee, eating breakfast, taking a

shower, driving to work etc.

It looks like this:

verb to be + verb + ing

Affirmative form:

I am cooking dinner.

You are cooking dinner.

He is cooking dinner.

She is cooking dinner.

It is cooking dinner.

We are cooking dinner.

They are cooking dinner.

Negative Form:

I’m not cooking dinner.

You aren’t cooking dinner.

He isn’t cooking

She isn’t cooking

It isn’t cooking.

We aren’t cooking.

They aren’t cooking

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Masviki41 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Thu, 06 Jan 22