(+) They called their children last week(- ) They did

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Sonix13 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

(+) They called their children last week(- ) They did not call their children last week
(?) Did They call their children last week

1. The student ( write ) some Sentences .
2. I (walk) around the park yesterday
3. Mr George ( put ) his hat on the table last day
4. My mother ( cook ) soup for lunch
5. You ( look ) so wierd last night
6. Mr and Mrs Reynold come to the party
7. John ( go ) to Bali last month
8. Grace (read) a lot of books this night
9. Angel (close) the door at that time
10. We (feel) sad when he died

Tolong di jawab
#kalo ngasal riport/laporkan
#pake rumus (+),(-),(?)
#yg hafal B.Inggris tolong di jawab
#yg paling atas cuma contoh

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1) (+) the student wrote some sentences

(-) the student didn't wrote some sentences

(?) did the student wrote some sentences?

2) (+) i walked around the park yesterday

(-) i didn't walked around the park yesterday

(?) did i walked around the park yesterday?

3) (+) mr. george put his hat on the table last day

(-) mr. george didn't put his hat on the table last day

(?) did mr. george put his hat on the table last day?

4) (+) my mother cooked soup for launch

(-) my mother didn't cooked soup for launch

(?) did my mother cooked soup for launch?

5) (+) you looked so weird last night

(-) you didn't looked so weird last night

(?) did you looked so weird last night?

6) (+) mr. and mrs. reynold came to the party

(-) mr. and mrs. reynold didn't came to the party

(?) did mr. and mrs. reynold came to the party?

7) (+) john went to bali last month

(-) john didn't went to bali last month

(?) did john went to bali last month?

8) (+) grace read a lots of book last night

(-) grace didn't read a lots of book last night

(?) did grace read a lots of book last night?

9) (+) angel closed the door at that time

(-) angel didn't closed the door at that time

(?) did angel closed the door at the time?

10) (+) we felt sad when he died

(-) we didn't felt sad when he died

(?) did we felt sad when he died?

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh wardatann dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke www.yomemimo.com melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Sun, 30 Jan 22