In west-central New York state there is a group of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sohibace96 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

In west-central New York state there is a group of eleven long, narrow, glacial lakes known as the finger lakes. from east to west these lakes are Otisco, Skaneateles, Owasco, Cayuga, Seneca, Keuka, Canandaigua, Honeoye, Canadice, Hemlock, and Conesus.These lakes have been aptly named because of their resemblance to the finger of a hand. Two of the largest of the finger lakes, Seneca and Cayuga, exemplify the selection of the name; Seneca is thirty-seven miles long and four miles across at its widest point, and Cayuga is forty miles long and two miles across.

Although scientist are not completely certain as two how these lakes were formed, most believe that successive sheets of glacial ice carved out the long, narrow valleys. The glacial ice carved out the long, narrow valleys. The glaciers most probably moved along the paths of pre-existing stream valleys and further deepened these valleys to depth below sea level. With the melting of the glaciers at the end of the ice age, the lakes were filled.

1. The topic of the passage is....
(A) West-central New York state
(B) Seneca and Cayuga
(C) The description and origin of the finger lakes
(D) The scientivic findings about the finger lakes

2. The word "glacial" in sentence 1 is closet in meaning to which of the following?
answer choices
(A) Icy
(B) Thin
(C) Shallow
(D) Wide

3. According to the passage, why are these lakes known as the finger lake?
answer choices
(A) They are the same size as fingers
(B) Their shape is similar to a fingers
(C) Their composition is the same as a fingers
(D) They are as many lakes as there are fingers

4. Why does the author mention Seneca and Cayuga in the second paragraph?
answer choices
(A) They are the only two finger lakes
(B) They are the two largest lakes in the United States
(C) They are good examples of long and narrow lakes
(D) They are long and wide

5. The word "selection" in second paragraph is closet in meaning to....
answer choices
(A) Sound
(B) Choice
(C) Feeling
(D) Presentation

6. The passage implies that Seneca lake is....
answer choices
(A) A constant four miles wide
(B) At least four miles wide at each point
(C) Wider than it is long
(D) Narrower than four miles at certain points

7. What do most scientist believe caused the formation of the finger lakes?
answer choices
(A) The sea level decreased
(B) Heavy rainfalls flooded the area
(C) Melted glaciers carved out the valleys
(D) Glaciers cut intothe land and then melted to fill the valleys

8. The word "successive" in paragraph 3 could best replaced by...
answer choices
(A) Timely
(B) Duplicate
(C) Sequentical
(D) Simultaneously

9. The word "paths" in paragraph 3 is closed in meaning to which of the following?
answer choices
(A) Waves
(B) Routes
(C) Sands
(D) Highways

10. What is the tone of these passage?
answer choices
(A) Informative
(B) Accusatory
(C) Humorous
(D) Calculating

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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (C) The description and origin of the finger lakes

2. (A) Icy

3. (B) Their shape is similar to a fingers

4. (C) They are good examples of long and narrow lakes

5. (B) Choice

6. (D) Narrower than four miles at certain points

7. (D) Glaciers cut intothe land and then melted to fill the valleys

8. (C) Sequentical

9. (B) Routes

10. (A) Informative


1. Teks di atas jelas berupa ketreangan dan asal muasal dari Finger lakes (danau-danau Jari)

2. Glacier berarti mengandung es. Istilah ini sering dipakai untuk zaman es (Glacial period)

3. disebut finger lakes karena bentuknya mirip dengan jari (ada kata resemblance dalam teks, yg artinya kemiripan)

4. Kedua danau ini disebut penulis karena keduanya adalah contoh yang baik dari danau yang panjang dan sempit (mirip jari)

5. Selection (pilihan) sinonim dari choice

6. Dalam teks dikatakan "Seneca is thirty-seven miles long and four miles across at its widest point" (....4 mil pada titik terlebarnya)

Jadi ada titik yang kurang dari 4 mil lebarnya.

7. Dari teks kita bisa simpulkan

8. successive bermakna berturut-turut, yang satu dilanjutkan yang lain jadi sama dengan sequental

9. Path (jalur), sinonim dengan rute (route)

10. Teks ini bersifat informatif

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Last Update: Wed, 20 Jul 22