please help:D1. Find in verb-ing.a. playb. cryc. bring d. listene.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mkhyckshsh pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Please help:D1. Find in verb-ing.

a. play
b. cry
c. bring
d. listen
e. buy
f. have
g. stay
h. smell
i. go
j. jump

2. Fill in the blank with the suitable form of the verb in present continous tense.

A. It is sunday morning linda ang her family____(clean) the house. At this moment Linda____(mop) the floor and her brother____(sweep) the yard. Meanwhile, her mother____(wash) the dishes and dirty clothes and her father_____(arrange) the furniture in the living room. They____(work)
B. The students of class 8 A are free now because the teacher is absent. Now the students____(spend) their free timein the library. A few students____(read) newspaper and magazines in the reading corner while several others_____(look for) references. The others students____(watch) a science vifioin the vidio vorner​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



a. playing











A. It is sunday morning linda ang her family Cleaning (clean) the house. At this moment Linda moping (mop) the floor and her brother sweeping (sweep) the yard. Meanwhile, her mother washing (wash) the dishes and dirty clothes and her father arranging (arrange) the furniture in the living room. They working (work)


B. The students of class 8 A are free now because the teacher is absent. Now the students spending (spend) their free timein the library. A few students reading (read) newspaper and magazines in the reading corner while several others looking for (look for) references. The others students watching (watch) a science vifioin the vidio vorner.


Maaf kak kalau ada kesalahan

Semangat belajar y kak ^_^

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Last Update: Wed, 04 May 22