01. The servant is washing some plates. The form of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari alisspg73 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

01. The servant is washing some plates. The form of Passive Voice is ( bentuk passive voice nya adalah ) ---- *a. The servant is washing some plates.

b. The servant is being washed some plates.

c. Some plates are being washed by the servant.

d. Some plates are being washing by the servant.

02. Mr. Arteria conveyed a controversial statement last week. The form of passive voice is ------ *

a. A controversial statement is conveyed by Mr. Arteria last week.

b. A controversial statement was conveyed by Mr. Arteria last week.

c. Mr. Arteria is conveyed a controversial statement last week.

d. Mr. Arteria was conveyed a controversial statement last week.

03. I have been making the pudding for two hours. The form of passive voice is ------ *

a. the pudding had been being made for 2 hours.

b. The pudding has been being making for 2 hours.

C. The pudding has been being made for 2 hours.

d. I have been being made by pudding for 2 hours.

04. Five eggs ------ in a stove now. *

a. is boiling

b. are being boiled

c. is being boiled

d. was boiled

05. -------- the Mpempe made from? *

a. What are

b. what were

c. what been

d. What is

tolong bantu jawab kak plisss​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. c
  2. b
  3. c
  4. b
  5. d


Rumus Passive Voice:

  • Simple Present: S + am/is/are + V3+by+O
  • Present continuous: S + am/is/are + being +V3+by+O
  • Present Perfect: S + has/have +been + V3+by+O
  • Simple Past: S + was/were + V3+by+O
  • Past continuous: S + was/were + being + V3+by+O
  • Past Perfect: S + had been + V3+by+O
  • Simple Future: S + will be + V3+by+O
  • Future continuous: S + am/is/are + going to be +V3+by+O


semangat belajar.....

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Last Update: Sun, 24 Apr 22