My Family Hi, my name is Anna, 12 years old

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Denielganz pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

My Family Hi, my name is Anna, 12 years old and grade 7 in SMP Maria Immaculata- Poris Indah – Tangerang. I have very big family but we are closed each other. Now I will tell you about my family. I am the second daughter of Mr. Dony and Mrs. Sinta. My old sister is Sonia and my brother is Kean. Mrs. Yulia and Mr. Jack are my mother’s parents. They live in Jakarta with their son, Mr. Handoko. Mr. Handoko married with Mrs. Rose and have four children, Sally, Putri, Handi and Rinno. We always visit each other, doing fun thing together, especially wheN we celeberate Christmas or other momeNt. We are happy family . This is my family, and I love them all. 1. What is Mr. Dony to Mr. Handoko?a. Son
b. Uncle
c. Brother in law
d. Brother​

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sorry kalo salah

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Last Update: Tue, 07 Jun 22