5. Choose the verb that agrees with its subject. You

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari liaf4558 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

5. Choose the verb that agrees with its subject. You may write your answers on thespaces.

1. The candidate of a manager ........................... very hard.

a. Learn

b. Learns

2. I .................been learning the Business for 3 years.

a. Have

b. Has

3. A customer .................... my company CS yesterday for a complaint.

a. Called

b. Calls

4. There ............ three financial reports that I must complete to night.

a. Are

b. Were

5. The production with its all processes, ................... run successfully.

a. Has

b. Have

6. A president leads us to be a good netizen as a manager ............ us to be better


a. Leaded

b. Leads

7. It might, however, be said that the management ................... a unique science.

a. Is

b. Was

8. Because the science of management is unique, a management student must

............. a lot.

a. Reads

b. Read ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The candidate of a manager learns very hard.

2. I have been learning the Business for 3 years.

3. A customer called my company CS yesterday for a complaint.

4. There are three financial reports that i must complete tonight.

5. The production with its all processes, has run successfully.

6. A president leads us to be a good netizen as a manager leads us to be better.

7. It might, however, be said that the management is a unique science.

8. Because the science of management is unique, a management student must reads a lot.



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Last Update: Thu, 14 Apr 22