1.we can conclude that...a.farhan will not come to the birthday

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari iawelah123 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.we can conclude that...a.farhan will not come to the birthday party.
b.farhan will visit the brithday party
c.farhan will come to the shanaz's house
d.shanaz will attend to farhan's birthday party

2.melodi : you have a beautifull voice.you can sjng beautifull
Fatin : ... my hooby is singing

a.thank you
b.that is right
c i always practive it
d.it is good

3.nuri : if you don't mind ,please accompany me to bookstore.
Dira : good idea.
we can conclude that

A.nuri visits the birthday party
b.dira invites nuri
c.dira accepts nuri's invitation.
d.nuri refuses the invitation

4.martin : happy birthday ,rose
Rose : ...

A.thank you very much
b. with pleasure
c. don't mention it
d. lovely

5.wanda : how old is teenager?
Nida : bet ween.. and...

A. 13 and 19
b. 18 and 25
c. 15 and 19
d. 14 and 19

6. Dinda : next saturday , my parents celebrate gold anniversary
Rian : ok

A can you go out to my party
b. wouldyou come to my parents party
c. my I go to your party
d. i don't want to go there

Quetions 7 to 11 are to complete the dialogue

7.hanny : dad. whatare you doing in the hospital now?
Father : i and your mother ... your grand father

A. am visiting
b. are treating
c. is injecting
d. is meeting

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


2.a.thank you

3.c.dira accepts nuri's invitation

4.a.thank you very much

6.a.can you go out to my party

7.a.am visiting

maaf y saya cuman bisa jawab segitu doang karena soal nya gk jelas

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Last Update: Thu, 02 Jun 22