Have you ever visited Singapore? Well, if you haven’t, let

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari DeLyntaang pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Have you ever visited Singapore? Well, if you haven’t, let me tell you about Singapore. Singapore is an island city. Its population is about three millions people. Most Singaporeans live in high-rise apartments.Uhm…Singapore is a beautiful city with lots of parks and open spaces. It is also a very clean city. You know, the business district is very modern, with lots of tall and new buildings.

Now, let me tell you about the old section of the city. In Chinatown, there are rows of old shop houses. The government buildings in Singapore are also very unique and antique. They date from the British colonial days.

Shopping! Wow, this is the part that I like very much! Singapore is famous for its many good shopping centers. Most of the goods are duty free. It’s a heaven for shoppers!

What about food? Uhmm ..yummy..yummy. It’s delicious. Singapore’s restaurants provide Chinese, Indian, Malay, and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable. I bet you’ll like it.

Well, since Singapore lies near the equatorial line, of course, it has a tropical climate, with a nice weather in both dry and rainy season.

Answer the questions.

a. What is the topic of the monologue above?
b. What is the population of Singapore?
c. What does Singapore look like?
d. What can you find in the old part of the city? e. Why is Singapore considered a heaven for shoppers?
f. Do the Singaporean foods taste good?
g. How is the weather in Singapore?
h. What is the purpose of the speaker telling us
about Singapore?

tolong dijawab dengan benar kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A the topic of the monologue above is Singapore

B the population of Singapore is obaut three millions people

C Singapore is a beautiful city with lots of parks and open spaces

D because Singapore is famous for its many good shopping centers . most of the goods are duty free

f It's delicious

G with a nice weather in bath dry and rainy season

H the speaker wants to tell up obaut Singapore


maaf kalau salah dan semoga membantu

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Last Update: Sat, 14 Jan 23