Task 17State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.1.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Ktrn05 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 17State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.

1. SMKN 12 Palangkaraya is a member of NEA.

2. The Indonesian Education Week has been celebrated 24 times since the first time.

3. A thousand schools nationwide will hold Parents Day on April 20th, 2017.

4. The word 'you' in Paragraph 1 refers to the parents.

5. NEA's vision is "Great Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility":

6. The word 'they' in "they can grow and achieve in the 21st century" refers to all Indonesian people.

7. The parents are invited to participate in the Parents Day activities.

8. The word 'yours' in the last paragraph refers to parents' confirmation.​
Task 17State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.1. SMKN 12 Palangkaraya is a member of NEA.2. The Indonesian Education Week has been celebrated 24 times since the first time.3. A thousand schools nationwide will hold Parents Day on April 20th, 2017.4. The word 'you' in Paragraph 1 refers to the parents.5. NEA's vision is

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maaf yak kalo salah

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Last Update: Tue, 03 Jan 23