Use either the simple past or the past progressive of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari maulidiafajarna06 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Use either the simple past or the past progressive of the verbs in parentheses.1. I (call)......Roger at nine last night.
2. Rita (sit)..... there at the same time yesterday.
3. My family and I (go) the beach.
4. Stanley (climb).....the stairs when he fell.
5. He (have, not)
6. While it (snow) lowa,the sun was shining in florida.
7. We (watch) when his phone rang.
8. Ted (study).....french last month.
9.i (have,almost) .....a car accident last night. 10.I (slip) ....onthe ice while i was crossing the street in front of the dorm. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Simple Past and Past Progressive

1. I called Roger at nine last night.

2. Rita was sitting there at the same time yesterday.

3. My family and I went to the beach.

4. Stanley was climbing the stairs when he fell.

5. He didn't have money.

6. While it snowed in lowa, the sun was shining in florida.

7. We were watching movie when his phone rang.

8 .Ted studied french last month.

9. I almost had a car accident last night.

10.I slipped onthe ice while i was crossing the street in front of the dorm.


The difference between past progressiveandsimple past is function. The function of simple pastis to tell that an event happened in the past but thepast progressive is more specific about the time which tells an event is happening it the past. Usually past progressive is followed by not only complement but also another sentence to explain the detail of the time.

Simple Past:

Subject + Verb 2

Example: I drank coffee

Past Progressive:

Subject + was/were+object+ complement

The cat was eating at 7 yesterday night.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang Simple Past dan Past Progressive dapat disimak juga pada link berikut

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Last Update: Mon, 09 Jan 23