Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct active or

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizkywijayasaputra5 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct active or passive form1. He...........(open) the door
2. The letter..........(write) by me
3. ......... Your mum............( Pick) you up form school every day ?
4. .............. The thief .............( Catch) by the police officer?
5. The airline ............( Send) our passage to Australia by mistake
6. Soy ..................( Grow) by Farmers in Argentina
7. The burial of the count of orgaz .........(paint) by El greco
9. You..................(not find) penguins at the north pole
10. America ..........(not discover) by columbus in 1491
11. My uncle ........(sell) the bicycle when he was young
12. All the plates in the Cupboard............(break) by the child
13. She...........(not find) the book
14. The Times newspaper ..............( Publish) in London
15. They.......... ( Grow) Coffe in Aceh grow

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Opens.

2. Is written.

3. Is, picked.

4. Is, caught.

5. Send

6. Is, grown.

7. Painted.

9. Don't find.

10. Doesn't discover.

11. Sells.

12. Is broken.

13. Doesn't find.

14. Publish.

15. Grow.

Hope this will help, good luck<3

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Last Update: Mon, 23 May 22