tolong dongggg kakkk yang betul nanti ku kasih tercerdas

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari EvaniaFeb pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong dongggg kakkk
yang betul nanti ku kasih tercerdas
tolong dongggg kakkk
yang betul nanti ku kasih tercerdas

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Due to the flow of electric current, which is converted into light energy through the glow of the filament in the lamp.
  2. If the circuit is damaged then the electricity will automatically be dangerous and the electricity will emit a very dangerous electric current.
  3. Charges only on closed systems are not equal to mass and are not empirically observed.
  4. The lamp can be lit because of the electric force. Electric force is the force generated by objects that have an electric charge.
  5. because if you don't dry your hands first before plugging in the hairdryer, your hands will be electrocuted. If our hands are dry then we will be safe when plugging the hair dryer into the electricity.
  6. because if we don't drop the magnet the magnet will remain one piece, if we drop the magnet then the magnet will turn into several parts.
  7. the picture is in the photo/gambar ada di foto!!!.
JAWABAN✓Due to the flow of electric current, which is converted into light energy through the glow of the filament in the lamp.If the circuit is damaged then the electricity will automatically be dangerous and the electricity will emit a very dangerous electric current.Charges only on closed systems are not equal to mass and are not empirically observed.The lamp can be lit because of the electric force. Electric force is the force generated by objects that have an electric charge.because if you don't dry your hands first before plugging in the hairdryer, your hands will be electrocuted. If our hands are dry then we will be safe when plugging the hair dryer into the electricity.because if we don't drop the magnet the magnet will remain one piece, if we drop the magnet then the magnet will turn into several parts.the picture is in the photo/gambar ada di foto!!!.JAWABAN✓Due to the flow of electric current, which is converted into light energy through the glow of the filament in the lamp.If the circuit is damaged then the electricity will automatically be dangerous and the electricity will emit a very dangerous electric current.Charges only on closed systems are not equal to mass and are not empirically observed.The lamp can be lit because of the electric force. Electric force is the force generated by objects that have an electric charge.because if you don't dry your hands first before plugging in the hairdryer, your hands will be electrocuted. If our hands are dry then we will be safe when plugging the hair dryer into the electricity.because if we don't drop the magnet the magnet will remain one piece, if we drop the magnet then the magnet will turn into several parts.the picture is in the photo/gambar ada di foto!!!.JAWABAN✓Due to the flow of electric current, which is converted into light energy through the glow of the filament in the lamp.If the circuit is damaged then the electricity will automatically be dangerous and the electricity will emit a very dangerous electric current.Charges only on closed systems are not equal to mass and are not empirically observed.The lamp can be lit because of the electric force. Electric force is the force generated by objects that have an electric charge.because if you don't dry your hands first before plugging in the hairdryer, your hands will be electrocuted. If our hands are dry then we will be safe when plugging the hair dryer into the electricity.because if we don't drop the magnet the magnet will remain one piece, if we drop the magnet then the magnet will turn into several parts.the picture is in the photo/gambar ada di foto!!!.

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Sep 22