Andrea Ponco, what kind of music you'd like to listen

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rakasuputrars pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Andrea Ponco, what kind of music you'd like to listen to? Ponco : All kinds, but mostly pop, blues, reggae, jazz, rock and classical. Why? Andrea : I have tickets to a show. Do you want to go with me? Ponco : What kind of music is it? Andrea : Pop. It's "White Shoes and the Couples Company". Ponco : When is it? Andrea : At 7.30 p.m. the day after tomorrow night. : Yeah, I'd like to go. Do you think we should have dinner first? Picture of two boys Andrea : Yes, that's a good idea. Ponco : Let's dine at the restaurant across the street from my apartment. Andrea : Oh, I think I know the place you mean. We ate there last month, right? Ponco : Yes, that's right. You have a good memory. Questions: 1. What ticket does Andrea have? Answer: 2. When will the concert be held? Answer:.. 3. What will they do before heading to the concert? Answer:..... : Where will they eat? Answer: What kind of music does Ponco like? Answer: 4. 5.​
Andrea Ponco, what kind of music you'd like to listen to? Ponco : All kinds, but mostly pop, blues, reggae, jazz, rock and classical. Why? Andrea : I have tickets to a show. Do you want to go with me? Ponco : What kind of music is it? Andrea : Pop. It's

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. A show ticket of "White Shoes and the Couples Company"

2. At 7. 30 p.m, the day after tomorrow night

3. Dine at the restaurant

4. Across the street from Poncho's apartment

5. All kinds, but mostly pop, blues, reggae, jazz, rock, and classical

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Last Update: Mon, 18 Jul 22