1. In the tape, you listen: (Man) : I am

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dwicahyaniadel pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. In the tape, you listen: (Man) : I am flying to Bali in Indonesia via Kuala Lumpur and I have checked baggage. Do I need to pick up my luggage in Kuala Lumpur? (Woman) : No. When you arrive in Kuala Lumpur, proceed directly to the transfer desk and gate for your connecting flight to Bali. You can collect your baggage in Bali airport. Here is your boarding pass. Your flight leaves from gate 3D, boarding at 03.30. Have a pleasant flight! In the booklet, you read: 1. What does the man want to know? Pilih salah satu a. Which gate his flight isb. What time the boarding is
c. If his flight to Bali is delayed
d. If he has to collect his baggage in Kuala Lumpur
2. Woman: Can you tell me the way to Region University in Jalan Jawa?
Man: Sure, go straight on. When you reach the crossroad, turn right and go down the street until you hit another crossroad. Turn left at the crossroad and go straight on. The university is on your left, opposite the stadium. You can't miss it.
In the test book, you read:
How many crossroad will the woman have to pass before she reaches her destination?
a. Three
b. Two
c. One
d. Four​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. d. If he has to collect his baggage in Kuala Lumpur

2. b. Two


Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :)

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Last Update: Sun, 03 Jul 22