cerita dekskripsi tentang liburan keluarga dalam bahasa inggris ​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari helyngouw pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Cerita dekskripsi tentang liburan keluarga dalam bahasa inggris ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Cerita deskripsi Tentang Berkemah di Halaman Rumah Bersama Keluarga :

During the school holidays yesterday, I was just at home because I was too lazy to go anywhere.

Not because I'm lazy to move or do an activity, but because the weather is quite hot outside and the roads are jammed.

The congestion is caused by the large number of people who take advantage of the school holidays by traveling to tourist attractions.

Even though I don't go to tourist spots like the others, my vacation at home is no less interesting.

There are lots of fun things I can do at home with my parents and younger siblings.

Our yard is quite large and there are several big shady trees. We use the home page for camping.

I built a blue tent and my father built a red tent.

I shared the blue tent with my father and my younger brother, while the red tent was for my mother and my younger sister.

Not only tents, we equip them with various camping equipment.

We built a bonfire at night and cooked food around it. My two younger brothers sang together and my father accompanied on guitar.

At night we all sleep in tents using sleeping bags. Incidentally at that time the air was quite cold at night.

Then we woke up at 5am. While waiting for the sun to rise, mother brewed hot tea for all of us.

We did a few camps when our parents were off work. This camping experience with my family was very enjoyable for me because it was filled with laughter.

I hope the next school holidays will be more enjoyable

  • 21 November 2022

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Last Update: Sun, 19 Feb 23