The following text is for questions 1 - 4. A

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kiranianastasya12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The following text is for questions 1 - 4. A Basic Recipe for Fried Rice Ingredients:•2 large eggs
• 1 teaspoon salt
•Salt and pepper to taste
• 4 tablespoons cooking oil or as needed •3 cups cooked
• 1-2 tablespoons light soy sauce or oyster sauce, as desired

rice Steps:
1.Lightly beat the eggs with salt and pepper.
2. Heat a wok and add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil. When the cooking oil is hot, pour the eggs. Stir, until it is lightly scrambled but not too dry. Remove the eggs and clean out the wok.
3. Add another 2 tablespoons of cooking oil. Add the rice and stir-fry for a few minutes, using a wooden spatula. Put soy sauce as desired.
4. Add the scambled egg back into the pan. Mix thoroughly. Serve hot.

1. How should you serve the fried rice best?
a. By adding the scrambled egg.
b. By stirring it for a few minutes.
c. By adding 2 tablespoon oil.
d. By serving the fried rice hot.

2. How much rice do we need in the recipe?
a. 1 teaspoon
b. 2 tablespoons
c. 3 cups
d. 4 tablespoons

3. "Lightly beat the eggs..." (step 2) The underlined word means
a. crack
b. mix
c. fry
d. cook

4. ....until it is lightly scrambled..." (step 2) The underlined word refers to
a. oil
b. salt
C. rice
d. egg​

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Last Update: Mon, 23 Jan 23