Evil School #1Imagine, you're captivated by your Chemistry teacher. And

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Evil School #1Imagine, you're captivated by your Chemistry teacher. And you're given a very difficult chemistry exams. As a requirement to escape, you have to score more than 90 on the exam. What will you do?

Part #2 is coming soon.....

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  " bayangkan, km ditangkap oleh guru kimia-mu, dan diberi ujian soal kimia yang sangat susah sebagai syarat biar keluar, km harus dapat nilai lebih dari 90 di ujian itu, apa yg akan km lakukan ? "

Answer :
 l guess, l've 3 logical options there are :
1. l take that exams by reading or finding the answer from the chemistry
   books there, the teacher doesn't forbid me to cheat though.

2. or maybe l can make an excuse for urgent matter by acting sadly, so
   the teacher pity me then decide to releasing me, well this almost
   impossible for that killer-teacher,but it's worth to try

3.  and the last is pretty crazy, if l have strong pysique and master of
    martial arts . why don't l forced to escape from this chemical torture.

       But l hope it's just imagination, that psyco chemisty teacher is too scary to be true.

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Last Update: Thu, 12 May 22