Exercise Adjectives & Comparative - Superlative Adjectives Choose the one word

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Xelaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Exercise Adjectives & Comparative - Superlative AdjectivesChoose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. He was driving an... car.

A. expensive
B. expensively
C. the most expensive
D. more expensive

2 . There is a ... program on the television.

A. more special
B. the most special
C. special
D. specially

3. It was difficult to believe that what we read in the newspaper is a ...story.

A. true
B. truly
C. the most true
D. more true

4. He successfully composed a ... music.

A. the most beautiful
B. more beautiful
C. beautiful
D. beautifully

5. The director requested a ... report immediately.

A completely.
B. complete
C. the most complete
D. more complete

6. Bob is brother in this family.

A. the oldest
B. older
C. old
D. older than

7. Today is ... than yesterday.

A. hotter
B. hot
C. the hottest
D. more hot

8. Mount Everest is... mountain in the world.

A high
B. the highest
C. higher
D. highly

9. The parents seem... about the child's report card.

A. more angry
B. angry
C. angrily
D. anger

10. She thinks that the cake tastes... to her.

A. sweet
B. sweeter than
C. the sweetest
D. sweetly

Tolong bantuin pliss, terima kasih banyakkkk

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. A. expensive

2. C. special

3. A. true

4. B. beautiful

5. B. complete

6. A. the oldest

7. A. hotter

8. B. the highest

9. B. angry

10. A. sweet

maaf kalo ada yang salah

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Last Update: Sun, 12 Jun 22