How to Make an Online Hotel Reservati1. In order to

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How to Make an Online Hotel Reservati1. In order to make a hotel reservation, you have to decide the date you plan to travel on and book accordingly. Plan early to ensure that you get the hotel and the room you want.

2. You need to have a valid credit card for online payment. Actually, many websites accept payment through other modes, like direct debit, but having a credit card ensures that you can make reservations everywhere.

3. Ascertain your requirements and budget before looking for hotels. There are many different kinds of rooms and rates within a hotel depending on the size of the room, view, amenities, and others.

4. Conduct an online search to find the website of various hotels to gain more information. Browse through them carefully as it is possible that the price is different from website to website.

5. When you have found a hotel, don't hesitate to negotiate the price. Remember that as a customer you have the bargaining power, so make use of it.

6 Before making a payment, inquire about the services that are included in the room rate. Ask whether the hotel provides transportation from the airport or station. Also specity which room you want, either smoking or non-smoking

7. Make the payment when you are fully convinced that you wish to stay in that hotel.


1. What should a person do before making a reservation?

2. What is the importance of having a valid credit card?

3. Is it possible for us to negotiate the hotel room rate?

4 When should we make the payment?

5. Why do we have to be careful when browsing for hotel information?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.decide the date you plan to travel on and book accordingly ensures that you can make reservations everywhere.


4.when you are fully convinced that you wish to stay in that hotel.

5.because it is possible that the price is different from website to website.

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Feb 23