1. Someone has left … watch in the bathroom. a.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yira539 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Someone has left … watch in the bathroom.a. Its
b. Their
c. His
d. His or her

2. Why do a cat chase … tail?
a. Its
b. Their
c. His
d. His or her

3. The lawyer or his assistants will ask some questions about your case in … office.
a. His
b. Their
c. Her
d. Its

4. My husband and I found two dead mice in … sink a couple days ago.
a. My
b. Our
c. Their
d. His

5. Some eliminate fast food from … daily diet.
a. His
b. Their
c. His or her
d. Your

6. Two children didn’t come to………..friend’s birthday party.
a. My
b. Their
c. His
d. Him

7. I have a cat. ……. fur color is black and white. It looks like a cow.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. His

8. …mother is so tough. She is the hero of my life.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. His

9. Witty comes from Sulawesi island. She and…family live in Jakarta now.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. His

10. Tina and Tini go to school by bus everyday…little brother goes to school by train because his school is so far away from the city.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their

11. Elene never buy new dress…beautiful dresses are given by her cousins.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their

12. They went to an amusement park with …family and friends. That was a great holiday for them.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their

13. My brother likes playing guitar…likes listening to music.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their

14. Qiqi and Qiqo are Arabian…family are from England.
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their

15. Where is (I)….book?
a. My
b. Our
c. Her
d. Their

Lihat Juga : Soal Present Perfect Continuous Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

16. Here is (we)…teacher.
a. My
b. Our
c. Her
d. Their

17. She goes to school with (she)…brother. a. My
b. Our
c. Her
d. Their

18. (They)…father works in a car factory. a. My
b. Our
c. Her
d. Their

19. (You)…laptop is very expensive.
a. Your
b. His
c. My
d. Its

20. (He)…favorite hobby is tennis.
a. Your
b. His
c. My
d. Its

21 – 30 Soal Possessive Adjective Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

21. (I)….husband and I want to go to Paris. a. Your
b. His
c. My
d. Its

22. We want to see (it)….historical monuments.
a. Your
b. His
c. My
d. Its

23. Leila likes (she)…dog !
a. Her
b. Its
c. My
d. Its

24. (It)…name is Bobby.
a. Her
b. Its
c. My
d. Its

25. Dr. John and the team are committed to delivering the highest quality product to … clients.
a. Our
b. His
c. Their
d. Its

Baca Juga : Soal Present Continuous Tense Pilihan

26. Andrian just bought a used car. … car has manual locks.
a. Its
b. His
c. My
d. Their

27. The woman gets up before dawn and sells fruits and vegetables at the farmer’s market to pay for … daughter’s college tuition.
a. Her
b. His
c. Their
d. Our

28. I love swimming. Sometimes I go to public swimming pool with … family.
a. My
b. Your
c. Their
d. Our

29. Please take … shoes off before entering the room.
a. His
b. Your
c. My
d. Our

30. Jandy doesn’t know about a birthday surprise that was prepared for…
a. Its
b. My
c. Her
d. Their

bantu jawab​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. B. Their
2.A. Its
3.A. His
4.B. Our
5.B. Their
7.A. Its
8.B. My
10. D. Their
11. C. Her
12. D. Their
13. C. Her (ini typo atau apa? harusnya he likes atau memang her atau yg B itu harusnya I?)
14. D. Their
15. A. My
16. B. Our
17. C. Her
18. D. Their
19. A. Your
20. B. His
21. C. My
22. D. Its
23. A. Her
24. D. Its
25. C. Their
26. B. His
27. A. Her
28. A. My
29. B. Your
30. C. Her

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh astrooo dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke www.yomemimo.com melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Thu, 26 Jan 23