mohon jawab cepat.. Remove any dirty clothes or dirty towels

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari febiolalidyas pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

mohon jawab cepat.. Remove any dirty clothes or dirty towels and make sure that everything is in its place. The hardest part of cleaning the bathroom is cleaning the shower. So, since cleaning the shower is going to exhaust most of my energy, I like to start there. If the soap scum in the shower is really bad, you can allow the cleaner to soak for a short while before you start scrubbing it. Don’t forget about cleaning the shower curtain or the shower door plus the track. There are a lot of products that are made to clean a shower. The choice of which products to use is up to you. Rinse the shower really well with water after you have cleaned it. What should be cleaned first?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


What should be cleaned first?​


The shower


From the text above, we know that:

  1. Remove any dirty clothes or towels and make sure that everything is in its place.
  2. Cleaning the shower is the hardest part of cleaning the bathroom.
  3. The writer likes to start from cleaning the shower first because it's going to exhaust most of his energy.
  4. If the soap scum is really bad, we can allow the cleaner to soak before we start scrubbing it.
  5. We should clean the shower curtain or the shower door and the track.
  6. There are various choices of shower cleaning products.
  7. Rinse the shower after we clean it.

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Last Update: Wed, 13 Jul 22