complete these sentence with correct verbs to form conditional sentences

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari uswatunhasanahgo557 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete these sentence with correct verbs to form conditional sentences watch the given clues1.students and parents______(to come);to the school on Sunday if the school a special event. ______(to have) good score at English if you had studied your best.
3.uncke joe_______(to be) here at 6:00 if the took the train.
4.the security would have allowed him watch the foot ball match of the ____(the pay)the entrance ticket.
5.i_____(to take)the job offer if i where you.
6.if you woke up earlier_____(not to Miss) the class.
7.the light Will turn off you_____(to clap) your hands
8.if mel______ (to ask) the way officer.she would not have spent hours looking for the address.
9.the door Will unlock if you_____(to tap) the room card to the handle​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. students and parents would have came to the school on Sunday if the school had had a special event. would have had good score at English if you had studied your best.

3.uncel joe would be here at 6:00 if he took the train.

4.the security would have allowed him watch the foot ball match of the if they had paid the entrance ticket.

5. I would take the job offer if I were you.

6.if you woke up earlier you would not Miss the class.

7.the light Will turn off if you clap your hands.

8.if mel had asked the way to the officer, she would not have spent hours looking for the address.

9.the door Will unlock if you tap the room card to the handle

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Last Update: Thu, 21 Apr 22