Poem:Timothy Winters was like a small bird. He was chained

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Poem:Timothy Winters was like a small bird.
He was chained and shackled,
wishing to fly but his wings were shattered.
“Fly away, little bird”, old Master bawled.

He walked an endless road with bloody feet,
He swam past the horizon coast
He ran faster than the speed of light
He left his old cage behind, as the finish line waited

His gaze aglow as a radiant sun,
A spark of life like rivers run
And finally, he arrived at his destination, a place of peace,
Now, he knows about the Welfare State.

Timothy Winters embarks on his new quest
Dreaming of a loving home to rest
With a cloud chamber as his peaceful retreat,
Where his weary soul could finally find its beat.

He wandered from orphanage to orphanage,
Like a stray cat searching a place he belongs,
He cried out, begged, and even howled like a dog,
But the four-leaf clover always avoids him.

Reality mercilessly knocked him down
A wanderer lost, with no place to call home,
Timothy Winters sleeps on cold, hard ground,
With no one to hear his sorrowful scream.

revise this poem

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Here's a revised version of the poem:

Timothy Winters, like a small bird,

Chained and shackled, his wings shattered,

Longed to fly but was held back by old Master's word.

His feet bled on an endless road,

He swam past the horizon's abode,

He ran faster than light's speed,

And at the finish line, he left his old cage behind, freed.

His eyes shone like the sun's bright ray,

A spark of hope that kept him going all day,

And finally, he reached a place of peace,

Where he learned of the Welfare State, life's lease.

Timothy Winters embarked on a new quest,

Dreaming of a loving home, a place to rest,

A cloud chamber as his peaceful retreat,

Where his weary soul could finally find its beat.

He wandered from orphanage to orphanage,

Like a stray cat searching for a place to belong,

Cried out, begged, and even howled like a dog,

But the four-leaf clover avoided him, like a never-ending song.

Reality knocked him down, mercilessly,

A wanderer lost, with no place to call home,

Timothy Winters slept on cold, hard ground,

With no one to hear his sorrowful scream, all alone.

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jun 23