Exercise Complete the dialogues below with your own words. 1. A: Oops!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari indahdoddy pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

ExerciseComplete the dialogues below with your own words.
1. A: Oops! I dropped ................................................................................ B: You’d better .......................................................................................
1. A: The material of the skirt I bought yesterday was really bad. B: Oh, really? I think you should .........................................................
1. A: Roy, you’d better ............................................................................. or I will ...............................................................................................
B: Alright, Mom.
1. A: It’s almost rainy season. I’d better .................................................
B: Yes, that’s true.
1. A: I’ve spent my last three days on this project.
B: Really? I think you should .............................................................. A: I know, but .......................................................................................

6. A: Kids, your grandma is sick right now, so you should ............... ...........................................................................................................
B: Ok, Dad.
7. A: I’ve been from the hospital. The dentist said I should ............
............................................................................................, but I
B: Well, I think you’d better ............................................................
8. A: The entrance test is next week. You ought to .......................... .......................................................................... if you ................... ..........................................................................................................
B: Thanks for your reminder. I’d better ........................................... 9. A: Did you ...........................................................................................
B: No, I didn’t. I overslept last night.
A: You really should .......................................................................... 10. A: Lately, I can’t focus on my studying.
B: I think you should .......................................................................... or you’d better ...................................

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. A: Oops! I dropped my phone.

  B: You’d better be careful next time.

2. A: The material of the skirt I bought yesterday was really bad.

  B: Oh, really? I think you should return it and get a refund.

3. A: Roy, you’d better finish your homework now or I will be disappointed.

  B: Alright, Mom.

4. A: It’s almost rainy season. I’d better bring an umbrella with me.

  B: Yes, that’s true.

5. A: I’ve spent my last three days on this project.

  B: Really? I think you should take a break and relax.

  A: I know, but I have a deadline to meet.

6. A: Kids, your grandma is sick right now, so you should visit her and bring her some flowers.

  B: Ok, Dad.

7. A: I’ve been to the hospital. The dentist said I should brush my teeth more often, but I keep forgetting.

  B: Well, I think you'd better set a reminder or leave a note to remind yourself.

8. A: The entrance test is next week. You ought to study hard if you want to pass.

  B: Thanks for your reminder. I’d better make a study schedule.

9. A: Did you finish your assignment?

  B: No, I didn’t. I overslept last night.

  A: You really should manage your time better and avoid procrastination.

10. A: Lately, I can’t focus on my studying.

   B: I think you should create a study environment that is free from distractions or you'd better find some study techniques that work for you.

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Last Update: Tue, 22 Aug 23