A long time ago, the sea near West Java Province

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nurrahmaulia123 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A long time ago, the sea near West Java Province was ruled by a beautiful queen. She was not only beautiful but also caring. Every day, the queen went around the sea to check her sea creatures. One day, being tired, the queen sat on a big rock at the bottom of the sea. Then a thin bull shark came by and offered to take her to the palace. So the queen sat on the shark's back while the shark swam through the ocean. The queen was so impressed by the shark's agility and strong body. She asked the shark to be her guardian. From then on, the shark followed everywhere the queen went. He was even given a personal cave to rest in. However, gradually the shark became arrogant. He even ordered smaller fish to serve him. He became big and fat, day by day, till he could not move fast anymore. He spent his time in his cave all day, sleeping and eating. The queen heard about it, and said angrily, "You don't like moving recently. You are no better than a stone!" One day, when the shark was out of his cave for some fresh air, some fishermen accidently caught him in their net. They pulled and pulled at the net, but it was so heavy. They said, "What have we caught? Why is it so heavy? It might be a massive stone." So they let the shark go The shark slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. He stayed still and gradually his body turnec into a stone, just as the queen had said. People say that the stone at the Batu Hiu Beach in West Java used to be the shark. 1. What is the text about? Answer: What does the first paragraph tell the readers about? Answer: It might be a massive stone. (paragraph 4) What does the underlined word mean? Answer: We can conclude that "The shark became fat he was reluctant to move." What conjunction can complete the sentence? Answer: Why did the fishermen let the shark go? Answer:​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. The text is about a beautiful queen who rules over the sea near West Java Province, who befriends a shark and makes him her guardian, but eventually the shark becomes arrogant and lazy, and is eventually let go by fishermen who mistake him for a stone.
  2. The first paragraph tells the readers about the queen who goes around the sea to check her sea creatures and one day, being tired, sits on a big rock at the bottom of the sea where a thin bull shark offers to take her to the palace.
  3. The underlined word "recently" means that the shark has not been moving much and has become fat and lazy.
  4. The conjunction that can complete the sentence is "because" .
  5. The fishermen let the shark go because they mistook him for a massive stone.

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Last Update: Wed, 12 Apr 23