Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan comparative and superlative form

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ulfadian4651 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan comparative and superlative form dari adjective di dalam kurung.1. The building is ……………. (high) than his company.
2. Rony’s design is ……………………. (bad) than other designs.
3. Living in London is ………………………. (expensive) than New York.
4. Do you have a …………………………. (sharp) knife than this?
5. The harvest this month is …………………………. (little) than zero.

6. You looked the …………………. (bright) with your beautiful dress tonight.
7. . Her last performance is the …………………….. (entertain) the audience.
8. This restaurant is the ………………. (famous) in this city.
9. The novel is the …………………. (interesting) to read in my traveling.
10. My brother created the ………………. (wonderful) song to the film.
plis bantu jawabin dong aku butuh jawaban nya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.The building is higher than his company. (comparative) The building is the highest in the city. (superlative)

2.Rony’s design is worse than other designs. (comparative) Rony’s design is the worst among all the designs. (superlative)

3.Living in London is more expensive than New York. (comparative) Living in London is the most expensive city in the world. (superlative)

4.Do you have a sharper knife than this? (comparative) This is the sharpest knife I have ever seen. (superlative)

5.The harvest this month is less than zero. (comparative) This is the least productive harvest we have ever had. (superlative)

6.You looked the brightest with your beautiful dress tonight. (comparative) You looked the brightest of all the people at the party tonight. (superlative)

7.Her last performance is the most entertaining the audience. (superlative)

8.This restaurant is the most famous in this city. (superlative)

9.The novel is the most interesting to read in my traveling. (superlative)

10.My brother created the most wonderful song to the film. (superlative)

jika sesuai tolong bantu jadikan jawaban terbaik ya. terimakasih sehat selalu

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Last Update: Sun, 04 Jun 23