2. "One of the security features offered in an android

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari indripratiwi009 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

2. "One of the security features offered in an android phone is a pattern serves to maintain the privacy of its users by locking the phone." The sentence above implies .... A. a phone cannot be locked B. we cannot lock our phone by ourself C. every person who has a phone cannot use privacy setting D. phone has security features to maintain the privacy of the users E. security features are usually bought from the phone company 3. "The three options that you can choose to access your phone." The sentence above implies .... A. there are three options to access our phone B. there are three options to unlock our phone C. there are three options to lock our phone D. there are three options to find our lost phone E. there are three options to change our phone password 4. "Once done, try to unlock your phone using the pattern you just created on The word in bold has the synonym as . . . . A. when B. now C. immediately D. one single time E. in the past​

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Last Update: Sat, 06 May 23