BANTU JAWAB BHS INGGRIS POIN BANYAK 1.why did the writer like

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BANTU JAWAB BHS INGGRIS POIN BANYAK1.why did the writer like to learn english?
2.what is the writer's dream?
3.what is asked by the writer english teacher? did the writer lessen the nervous? was the writer feeling at the moment?
1.why did the writer like to learn english?
2.what is the writer's dream?
3.what is asked by the writer english teacher? did the writer lessen the nervous? was the writer feeling at the moment?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the writer liked to learn english because she adored the United Kingdom, where English is used by the people as the main language.

2. the writer's dream was to be able to go to the United Kingdom to witness the beauty of the country.

3. the writer's english teacher asked her to make some speech in the flag ceremony.

4. the writer lessened her nervous by taking a deep breath.

5. the writer didn't expect so much, and she was very happy on that day.

disini karena tidak dijelaskan gender dari sang penulis, maka saya pakai "her" aja dan anggap kalau sang penulisnya adalah perempuan.

semoga membantu :)

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Last Update: Sat, 30 Apr 22