1.some dinosaurs, like _______,had brains the size of a walnut2.to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari BrainlyMasterQ pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.some dinosaurs, like _______,had brains the size of a walnut2.to defend themselves from predators, some plant-eating dinosaurs had natural protection, such as______

3.some animals have been on earth longer than dinosaurs. for example,_______have existed for 650 million years

4.many dinosaurs were heavy. for example,______that's 17 african elephants!

5.there have been many movies about dinosaurs, such as______​
1.some dinosaurs, like _______,had brains the size of a walnut2.to defend themselves from predators, some plant-eating dinosaurs had natural protection, such as______3.some animals have been on earth longer than dinosaurs. for example,_______have existed for 650 million years4.many dinosaurs were heavy. for example,______that's 17 african elephants!5.there have been many movies about dinosaurs, such as______​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.Some dinosaurs, like Stegosaurus ,had brains the size of a walnut

2.To defend themselves from predators, some plant-eating dinosaurs had natural protection, such as sharp points on their tails.

3.Some animals have been on earth longer than dinosaurs. for example, jellyfish have existed for 650 million years

4.Many dinosaurs were heavy. For example, Brachiosaurus weighed 80 tons. That's 17 african elephants!

5.There have been many movies about dinosaurs, such as the Jurassic World series


1. Beberapa dinosaurus, seperti Stegosaurus, memiliki otak seukuran kenari

2.Untuk mempertahankan diri dari pemangsa, beberapa dinosaurus pemakan tumbuhan memiliki perlindungan alami, seperti ujung tajam di ekornya.

3. Beberapa hewan telah ada di bumi lebih lama dari dinosaurus. misalnya, ubur-ubur telah ada selama 650 juta tahun

4. Banyak dinosaurus yang berat. Misalnya, Brachiosaurus memiliki berat 80 ton. Itu setara 17 gajah afrika!

5. Sudah banyak film tentang dinosaurus, seperti seri Jurassic World

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Last Update: Mon, 02 Jan 23