Exercises on Passive Voice I. Put the following sentences into the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kebayaisma pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Exercises on Passive VoiceI. Put the following sentences into the PASSIVE VOICE with a PERSONAL SUBJECT:
1. They have made my uncle a captain.
2. They asked the rest of us to be there at eight o'clock.
3. Someone is showing Maisie how to bath a baby.
4. People should make lessons more interesting for children.
5. They had eaten all the dinner before they finished the conversation. (2 PASSIVES)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Passive Voice:

1. My uncle has been made a captain by them.

2. The rest of us was asked by them  to be there at eight o'clock.

3. Maisie is being showed how to bathe a baby by someone.

4. Lessons should be made more interesting for children by people.

5. All the dinner had been eaten by them before they finished the conversation.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Passive Voice dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kalimat pasif artinya subjek dikenai aksi dalam kalimat, sementara kalimat aktif artinya subjek melakukan aksi dalam kalimat.

Kalimat pasif:

1. Pamanku diangkat menjadi kapten oleh mereka.

2. Kami semua diminta oleh mereka untuk berada di sana pada jam delapan.

3. Maisie sedang ditunjukkan cara memandikan bayi oleh seseorang.

4. Pelajaran harus dibuat lebih menarik untuk anak-anak oleh orang-orang.

5. Semua makan malam telah dimakan oleh mereka sebelum mereka menyelesaikan percakapan.

Passive Voice:

1. Passive Voice [Simple Present Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Verb3

2. Passive Voice [Present Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (is/am/are) + being + Verb3

3. Passive Voice [Present Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + have/has + been + Verb3

4. Passive Voice [Simple Past Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Verb 3

5. Passive Voice [Past Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Being + Verb3

6. Passive Voice [Past Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + had + been + Verb3

7. Passive Voice [Simple Future Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will + be + Verb3

8. Passive Voice [Future Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will be + being + Verb3

9. Passive Voice [Future Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will have + been + Verb3

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Last Update: Sat, 22 Oct 22